Tänään oli muitakin juhlan aiheita, sillä juhlistimme Innan 2-vuotissyntymäpäivää. Uskomattoman nopeasti on kaksi vuotta kulunut, tuntuu kuin vasta ihan äsken olisin lentänyt Düsseldorfista kotiin tuon pienen, pörröisen, huutavan, tiikerinpentua muistuttavan pienen eläimen kanssa. Inna on kyllä upea koira, aina iloinen ja reipas, juoksuhommissa aivan verraton harrastuskaveri! Kiitos Dianelle tästä kultakimpaleesta!
Pystykorvaisesta höpöhauvasta on tullut nätti neiti
The ranking lists for season 2014 have been published. On SuomiCup -list, Inna is on 4th place. On each dog, four best results will be calculated by dividing one's placement by the number of dogs in the race. Those numbers will be added together: the dog with smallest number will be the winner. The top dogs of season 2014 will be invited on SuomiCup -race, which will be the first race of season 2015. All my girls have been invited there: Dina on 2012 (1st) and 2013 (2nd), and Lara on 2014 (3rd). The other "Best of" -lists, made by the Finnish Whippet Club, seems also pretty interesting. On the list of "Best Coursing whippet" (all sizes and sexes mixed) Inna is #9, and on the list of "Coursing Rookie" she is #5! The most highest points are given on prominent matches and Finnish Whippet Club Championship -races. Inna didn't participate on either of them, so her placement on the list is very good!
Today we also celebrated Inna's 2nd birthday. It's amazing how time flies! It feels like yesterday when I flew back home from Düsseldorf with that small, fluffy, noisy, tiger-look-a-like little puppy. She is so wonderful little whippet, allways happy and yet the best racing whippet! Thank you Diane for this piece of gold!