Kaikki tytöt ovat löytäneet omat kodit, mustat pojat Charlie ja Jassu etsivät vielä omia, mielellään harrastavia koteja. Pojilla tuntuu olevan ihan reilusti luonnetta, joten jonkinmoista kokemusta koirista/whippeteistä olisi uudella kodilla hyvä olla. Poikia tuntuu kovasti jo rättileikit kiinnostavan.
I've been quite busy with the pups, they're 5,5 weeks now and our apartment is suddenly getting smaller. They're so curious, every square meter of the apartment must be detected, and the hallway is a perfect place for running competitions. Can't wait it's warm enough to get the kids outside! Everyone eats well, they have tasted eg. pork, eggs and yoghurt. We've had lots of visitors at Eastern holidays, kids have been showing the sweetest to them: they lustily welcome the guests, play a while nicely and then cutely fall asleep to the visitor's lap. In the mornings and evenings it gets pretty wild...
All the girls have found their homes, the black boys Charlie and Jassu are still looking for their homes, hopefully interested in racing/coursing. Boys seems to have big characters, so it would be good if the future homes had some experience of dogs/whippets. They are already very interested in lure.
Ystäväni Riina kävi kuvaamassa pentuja:
My friend Riina toke some pics of the kids:
Media-assistentti Jassu
Jassu, Enya ja Ella
Otettiin pennuista myös ensimmäisiä seisomakuvien tapaisia, hommaa ei sen suuremmin harjoiteltu joten ne meni vähän sinne päin... Pahoittelut jos jonkun silmiä kirvelee. Kuvat löytyvät M-pentueen omalta sivulta. Myös Dina ja Inna pääsivät kuviin:
We took some stacked pics of the kids, we didn't train so much so quality isn't so good. Apologises, if someone's eyes hurt. Pics are in M-pentue -page. Also Dina and Inna got in the pictures:
Kaikki kuvat (c) Riina Lummekari
On mulla vaan upeita koiria!
Gosh, I have beautiful dogs!
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