The deepest winter seems to be over, and the days are already longer! We've been walking on the forest next to us every day, I've had a chance to organize my working scedules so that I'm free untill midday. That's been awesome! A couple of weeks ago we visited dog spa Huvihurtta in Otava, next to Mikkeli. Of course, Dina was the first one in the pool. The little girls swam in the pool for the first time in January in Tampere. Then it was too exciting to go by themselves, but now, after a little accustomizing, they all (except Lara) jumped in the pool to grab a toy! Especially Ella seemed to love swimming, even the "Guy" in wet suit didn't bother her.
Meidän kodin lähellä on näin kivat vetomestat!
We have these awesome snow routes next to us!
Riina kuvaili tyttöjä Tampereen koirauimalassa:
Riina took some pics from Tampere Dog Spa:
Dina ja rakkain Pallo
Emppua vielä vähän jänskätti
Kisakalenteria on selattu ahkerasti, ja alkukesän askelkuviot alkaa olla aika hyvin selvillä. Pahaksi onneksi tänäKÄÄN vuonna Inna ei pääse edustamaan Suomea EMMiin, juuri samalle viikonlopulle osuu kauan odottamani Stuart McGregorin koiraosteopatiakurssin toinen osa. Harmittaa vietävästi, mutta katsotaan sitten ensi vuonna uudestaan. Ulkomaille kyllä silti päästään useampaankin kertaan, eli pelkoa ylimääräisestä rahasta ei ole...
I've been reading coursing calender very carefully, and the early summer seems to be quite busy. Unfortunatelly this year either Inna won't be representing Finland in the ECC's. On the exact same weekend, I have the long-waited dog osteopathy course by Stuart McGregor, and I definitelly don't want to miss it. So, maybe next year. Though we will be sailing several times next summer, so there's no worry about any extra money...
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