Dinan varvasta parannellessa oli tarkoitus juosta Innalle ratakirjat, mutta sekään ei mennyt niinkuin Strömsössä. Lapsi jännitti ekalla koejuoksukerralla kovasti maalisuoraa, radan varrella nojailevia ihmisiä tai vaan "jotain", ja vaikka viettiä todistetusti löytyy, piti palata harjoittelussa pari askelta taaksepäin. Koppihommat sujuu kivasti, mutta ollaan nyt otettu pelkkää etusuoraa niin, että joku muu lähettää ja itse menen vieheelle vastaan. Hyvin on likka jo reipastunutkin tämän suhteen, toivottavasti pian päästään itse asiaan.
Mimmi punaisella, Ebba valkoisella, Lara sinisellä Helsingissä 1.6. Kuvasi Emmi Ventelä
Siskot Ebba ja Lara sekä velimies Timppa. Kuvasi Mikko Leppänen
Katseet on käännetty jo tiukasti tulevaan, kohta päästään maastoilemaan tutuissa Mustialan maisemissa, ja juhannuksen vietämme ratakisoissa Oulussa.
During last few weeks, we've had some bad luck. Dina hurt her toe on rabbit hunt for almost 4 weeks ago, and now she has permission to move little more, bit by bit. It's a shame, because we've supposed to participate on agility competitions. The toe looks fine now, so maybe we'll get back in business later this summer.
Also Inna has had some bad luck with her oval track lisence runs. In the first training session, there was "something very exciting", and therefore we had to take some steps backwards. She has run now only straight for a couple of times, and it looks very good now. There's no problems with the boxes, so she only needs some self confidence (she has proven good drive in the coursing field already).
Lara participated in oval track competition in Helsinki on 1st June. On 280m, she was placed 2 out of 4 with her new personal best time, 19,34 (CC qualified). On 350m, she was only 0,03 sec behind the winner and placed 3rd out of 4. Dina's sister Mimmi (T. Disco) became a new FI CH on oval track, and also Lara's brother Timppa (B. Lord of the Rings) gained his last CC for the CH-title. Warm congratulations! So, it was a nice weekend afterall.
Next, we're heading to Mustiala INT LC competition, and then to Oulu track racing competitions.
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