Sometimes things just happen. Sadly I had to let go one puppy plan, because five adult dogs, puppy and weekends in Espoo at school just aren't the best. Then, all the sudden, some puppy pics on Facebook, and the result is sleeping on the couch in Haukipudas...
Fierce Fireball Formula One "Senna"
Olen ihaillut unkarilaisen Fierce Fireball -kasvattajan, Emesen, B-pentuetta jo käytännössä niiden syntymästä lähtien. Tasainen pentue, upea yhdistelmä ulkonäköä ja käyttöominaisuuksia. Niinpä tämä uusi tulokas olikin loppujen lopuksi aika luonnollinen jatkumo harrastuksiin, ja toivottavasti tulevaisuudessa myös jalostukseen. Ainakin sukutaulunsa puolesta se edustaa melko tuoreita linjoja. Onni on kasvatinomistaja, joka ei säikähtynyt kummallisesta ehdotuksesta, vaan päinvastoin, innostui itsekin. Senna asuu Jasperin (D. Master of Puppets) kanssa kämppiksinä, ja ensimmäisen vuorokauden perusteella nämä mustavalkoiset mussukkapojat tulevat erinomaisesti juttuun. Ja miksi eivät tulisi, kun kumpikin on luonteeltaan mitä mainioin!
I've admired the hungarian Fierce Fireball- breeder's, Emese's, B-litter since they were born. Such nice, even litter, lovely outfit with extraordinary skills on coursing field. So, the newcomer is kind of a natural continuum to hobbies, hopefully also for breeding in the future. His pedigree is very nice, fresh lines in Finland. I'm lucky to have a bit crazy puppy owner, who got excited right away. Senna lives with Jasper (D. Master of Puppets), and they seem to come along very good. And why wouldn't they, thus both are such easy-going fellows!
I've admired the hungarian Fierce Fireball- breeder's, Emese's, B-litter since they were born. Such nice, even litter, lovely outfit with extraordinary skills on coursing field. So, the newcomer is kind of a natural continuum to hobbies, hopefully also for breeding in the future. His pedigree is very nice, fresh lines in Finland. I'm lucky to have a bit crazy puppy owner, who got excited right away. Senna lives with Jasper (D. Master of Puppets), and they seem to come along very good. And why wouldn't they, thus both are such easy-going fellows!
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